Grade 4 Presentation making in process
The current Grade 4 students are working hard on their presentations for Grade 3.
They have previously created their own car companies, making decisions about everything from choosing the brand name and CEO to selecting the managers, deciding the number of cars they can produce and assigning responsibilities for each manufacturing process, such as making tires, constructing the body, and assembling the car.
The companies for 4A are Sugita Company and Mr. Cars, while 4B’s companies are Tanaka Company and Nozomi Company.

Reflecting on the knowledge they gained and the challenges they faced as organisations, the students are focusing on:
- The connection between manufacturing and people, and tips for building a great organisation.
- The difficulties they encountered while making cars and what could have been improved.
- How they can apply what they’ve learned in the project and what they need to keep in mind when creating or working in an organization.

They are expected to answer these questions with a focus on the Learner Profile, highlighting which aspects of the Learner Profile were significantly demonstrated throughout their group activity.

The CEO or the whole group has cooperated in designating roles and shared their answers at the end. They used various methods, from dot points to diagrams, to capture the audience’s attention.

They were able to successfully answer and share their ideas and are now excited to illustrate this onto their posters!

This will be a great opportunity for Grade 4 to gain ideas for their Exhibition and for Grade 3 to look forward to next year.
We can’t wait for the presentation!
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