【MYP】Take a photography class in English!


This summer, students had a chance to take a photography class in English! 

During this course, which was taught by a photographer, students had the chance to better understand how to take a good photograph and learned how to improve their own skills. 

The students learned about different rules and techniques such as the rule of thirds, how to bounce light, and how to make their subjects stand out. 

After learning the techniques, students had workshop time to practice using each skill. While some students used their friends as models, others used the nature around the school. 

To help improve their skills, students were also challenged to try to take interesting pictures of regular items such as books, origami, and even chairs.

On the final day, students had a presentation and feedback session about their best photo, just like in a university art class. 






今回の講座の成果  奥行きを意識した立体感ある作例が多くできました。